Monday, March 14, 2011

My Health Promotion Week

This week health promotions are on the top of the list of my daily routines. Today I was invited to the village hall in Jajar to help raise the community awareness concerning some diseases that have emerged lately in Gandusari. I came up with the idea of educating the audience about dengue fever and dengue shock syndrome. I find it necessary and still relevant to bring out this topic because we had some patients infected by this disease last week, even a young pregnant lady (including the baby in her womb) lost her life to the profound shock she'd been suffering. I feel deeply sorry for her.

The crowds --" Moms and their toddlers. I did need to level up the volume of my voice while giving my "speech"

A lane in the midst of sugarcane fields (up) and the road scene in the village of Jajar (below)

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