Friday, October 22, 2010


Speechless. Tidak tahu lagi harus berkata apa. Yang jelas saya amat-amat bersyukur dengan apa yang telah terjadi dalam hidup saya dalam sebulan terakhir (baca: RES). Hari tepat hari terakhir saya stase sebagai DM RES peadiatri. Adios amigos ha ha. Hari juga sekaligus hari ujian lisan saya, ditangguhkan satu hari sebab profesor yang menguji saya, Prof. Dr. Sylvie Damanik, berhalangan hadir kemarin. Menurut kabar sih beliau enak banget kalau menguji. Dan saya benar-benar beruntung berkesempatan diuji oleh beliau. Ujian dimulai pukul 9 pagi tepat. Saya mendapatkan kasus kejang demam komplikata plus faringitis akut. Alhamdulillah pertanyaannya satu per satu bisa saya jawab dengan tenang (padahal aslinya tetap gugup abis). Beliau bertanya seputar kasus saya, lalu tentang infeksi virus dengue dan demam berdarah, imunisasi (ini saya diberi kesempatan untuk memilih pertanyaan oleh saya sendiri lho), terus pertanyaan pamungkas oleh PPDS pendamping saya yang super nice, dr. Debby ;). tentang diare. That was all. Alhamdulillah nilai ujian lisan ini lebih dari cukup he he. Hidup saya dalam sebulan terakhir ini tak ubahnya seperti roller coaster going up and down. Banyak suka dan duka, tapi asli happy banget bisa mengisi waktu dengan RES he he. Hitung-hitung les intensif buat UKDI. Menjadi DM RES telah melatih rasa empati saya baik terhadap teman-teman sejawat (you know who you are). Pun saya beruntung mendapat kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan para pasien pediatri. Jujur saya juga lebih sedikit ngeh tentang ilmu pediatri daripada saat awal saya masuk lab ini. Yang jelas saya sangat bersyukur. This turned out to be a sweet revenge for me. Ujian tulis ga UP (yah walaupun ngepas banget nilainya) dan nilai ujian lisannya mungkin rekor tertinggi selama saya menjadi DM. Sekali lagi alhamdulillah. Terima kasih ya Allah, Kau telah mendengar dan menjawab semua pintaku. Teman-temanku sejawat yang juga RES di pediatri, thanks a lot!! What would my life be without your constant company and support. We made it finally ;) !!!! Dan juga untuk mama dan papa. Let the next show begin! UKDI waits for me, Insya Allah!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ain't Playing A Sinking Game

I'm writing this from a cyber cafe of our faculty's library an hour after the bloody pediatric written exam. All went well just as expected. Thanks a lot my dear God, I was at least a bit relieved. Most of the presented exam problems hailed from the prior old exams. Now I can myself a really lucky jerk and expect a couple of days off this weekend. After that I'll just have to start my engines for the next bloody oral exam. Blah.

P.S.: I can sense somehow that Bangkok is calling me. It keeps ringing in my ears!!! To be honest I've been trying to persuade both my parents to make a trip all the way to Bangkok. I've been telling them repeatedly that Air Asia has now had a direct flight there from Surabaya since this November. And now they seem to be under my spell he he. Let's see how it ends ;)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back in God's Hand

Actually, I'm not really in the mood to drop some words for the time being. But I just have to. I wanna write an inscription about what has been going on with my life for these last three weeks. First of all, let me make a confession. I've been devastated even since the iudicium day (it was in mid-September). Thought that day would mark my very final day as a junior doctor (are you familiar with this term??). Thought I'd be free from my duty at hospital for a while after 18 months of working my ass, boring daily routines of seeing the patients in the wards, tons of case discussions, bla bla bla. I thought I'd make it perfectly by the iudicium day. I was confident though considering that I always did my best in each final exam at each departments. My mind was filled with a couple of wild imagination of making trip to, say Singapore or Bangkok; or enroll myself for an ECG course or that kinds of trainings. But it ALL got screwed up simply because I failed in my pediatric test. For this reason the faculty sent me and a flock of buddies who were as "lucky" as me, back to the lovely peadiatric department for 4 weeks. I was totally upset, jealous, and partially ashamed. But I managed not to show these my very feelings to others, but the pain remained there. I've been feeling somewhat sacrified by that f*****g person. Blaaaah.

But life goes on. Now me voici!! Been already in my second remedial week at pediatric dept. Me and my other 8 buddies will try our best to survive this obstacle. We've been like one big family lately he he. Impossobly difficult written test is scheduled by the third week and the oral exam by the last week. So hopefully we'll have been finished by the 3rd week of this October. But tomorrow we'll still have to try to negotiate the date of our second iudicium with our new dean in a hope that we still can catch up with UKDI (kind of USMLE in the US) taking place in November. We really have to try cuz we're in need of STL (Surat Tanda Lulus) as one of requirements to apply for UKDI. All other requirements must be handed in by this Oct 13, but the STL can be enclosed not later than Nov 3. So we do hope that our second iudicium can take place during the last week of Oct. Hope our new dean is wise enough and open-minded. If it goes as expected my short-term to-do list would look like this: written exam - oral exam - iudicium - UKDI - graduation ceremony - INTERNSHIP. I'll do whatever it takes, but still it's all back in God's hand. But I believe that unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. In the name of Allah ;) peace be upon all of us.