Thursday, February 9, 2012

Farewell (One Late Posting)

Seemingly the time has arrived for me to say goodbye. Yep my intership period is about to terminate. It seems almost unreal we've been here for nearly a year. But no matter what has happened along the way, good or bad, it's brought colors in my ordinary life. And I should be thankful for that. Trenggalek has definitely taken up a space within my heart.

First and foremost I thank Allah Almighty for His bless and everything He has granted upon me. Not to forget our supervising doctors of whom we're so respectful: dr. Malukyanto, dr. T. R. Liliek, dr. Fonyta for having been like our parents while we were away from home. To all doctors, nurses and staffs at Community Health Centre of Gandusari, wards and emergency unit of Dr. Soedomo Hospital (whom I impossibly mention one by one on this page) for having shared their expertise and been such a great help. What would my whole year in this town be without you?

Last but not least, my 14 previous colleagues who have been such great companies and have always been supportive and enthusiatic to carry on this internship year in Trenggalek. We made it at last! Yet we're about to open another new chapter of our life. Let's just continue to pursue our dreams, shall we?
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